variety of styles, from organic and vintage to glam and sexy, Halloween and Christmas decor, kittens, stitches

New issues

4 ponchos crochet paso a paso

60 patrones crochet – puntos y motivos

Anna 2001 10 русский

Coastal Knits (Alana Dakos & Hannah Fettig)

Ein Kätzchen kommt selten allein (Sue Startford)

Glam Knits (Stefanie Japel)

Inside Crochet 2012 23

LA knit prayer shawls

Martha Stewart Halloween 2015 Special Issue

PieceWork 1996 11 12

Prendas Tejidas a una aguja Crochet

Sabrina Special Häkelideen 2015

Sandnes Garn 1413 DIY Knit Your Style

Sock Yarn Shawls II (Jen Lucas)

The Pleasures of Knitting (Ann McCauley)

Вяжем сами 2015 09 Спецвыпуск Вяжем крючком

Маленькая Diana 2015 09-10 Спецвыпуск

New issues

Anna 2001 12 русский

Barbara Hoy Crochet Ano 2 N 10

Burda Special 2003 E736 Детская мода

Hand Made 2015 17 (своїми руками)

Ideas 2015 10 (South Africa)

Inside Crochet 2012 24

Inside Crochet 2012 25

Knitting Everyday Finary (May Clark)

Lana Gatto – Pullovers & Coats

LBS no. 1777 Barbie Clothes & Accessories

Mezginiu pasaulis 2005 04

PieceWork 1997 01-02

PieceWork 1997 03-04

PieceWork 1997 05-06

Rowan – Cammeo

Rowan – Doon by Erika Knight

Tutti Punti Maglia 2 (Mani di Fata)

Узоры для вязания 2015 39 (Секреты мастерства)

New Entries in Description Wanted!

62889 62888 62887 62886 62885
62883 62882 62725 62724 62723
62722 62721 62720 62535 62443
62345 62314 61550 61155 60741

Please, respond if you have an idea where to get the searched pattern.

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