Your feedback is highly appreciated. Whether praise or critics, just post it here as a comment.
Comments or questions are welcome.
If you report an error, it will be processed with the highest priority. If it is a proposal, we will collect multiple opinions on it and will then decide how to respond to it. Please, understand that not every wish can be fulfilled, either due to technical/time/cost constraints or due to contradicting wishes of various users.
Hi Svetlana,
Just to report that the images are not showing in Library, Recently Added. It seems to be just the thumbnails. I have noticed this on older posts too so it’s seems that it is a certain photo format that the program doesn’t like.
Thanks for all your hard work
The missing covers issue is caused by a recent change made by Google to a service we are using. We are looking for an alternative solution.
Hi. I have been trying to email Svetlana with a pattern. I tried her old email and it bounced. I’ve also tried emailing her with ‘org’ and it won’t go thru. What is her email address?
Hi there…I am not able to download or enlarge anything. I get a long message stating there is an error somewhere…maybe in the programming? I can see pages and books, but they are very small. Hope this can be fixed..I love this site
Fixed it just now. Sorry for the mess. The file with all the functions got corrupted 2 days ago and I am restoring them one by one.
The download link to Interweave Knits 2018 Holiday is wrong. It brings me to an Inside Crochet Magazine.
Thanks for letting us know, it has been corrected.
Simply Knitting 2009 60 November, this is an empty file. thank you
I have checked it , it is not empty. there are two pages (2 and 3) missing on the first pattern (the weasley sweater)?
Luckily, this is a free pattern published at
Good morning
Busy with knitting. The Beatrix Potter pattern Benjamin Bunny. Not sure, but it seems if there is pages/instructions missing. The Tammy ends on pg 2, but it does not say anything about making the ear holes. There is defenitely something missing.
Kindly advise.
I checked it, those are the only pages. I cannot judge about the content. I hope you can figure it out.
Hope I am in the right page. I just wanted to say thank you so much for this incredible site and to all the ladies that share I thank you.
I will most definitely be increasing my membership.
Thank you once again
Hello Page 4 of Jean Greenhowe’s Topsy-Turnabout Doll is missing. can you help
There are 2 copies, this one seems to have all the pages
Hello. Thank you. The second copy pages are not clear enough to read. Some of the edges of the page are cut off.
That is all we have. Try combining both copies to read the instructions.
Thank you for your help
Hello Svetlana
I am being frustrated by constantly receiving “500 Internal Server Error” when attempting to click on a link from your website. Can you please advise if there is a problem with either my end or yours?
Hello Sylvana,
De page underneath isn’t displayed correctly. Is it possible to correct this?
Navajo Afghans
Consider the image below. If it contains an image of a pattern, you can tag it by choosing the most appropriate values in the provided dropdown menus. You can either edit the existing entries (if you find incorrect or missing values) or add a new one. If an image contains several items or a set, create a record in each matching category (for instance, if an image shows a set consisting of a bonnet, blanket, and booties, add it to sets, bonnets, blanket, and booties).
image 626718
Republished in better quality as I was able to find all pdfs on, check it here
Patons 3414 – Sugar and Spice- it appears that the pages when uploaded were not done in order, also most of the pages for do not have page numbers; hence making it almost impossible to work out the correct patterns. Can this book PLEASE be uploaded again in the correct order.
Thank you. Janecita.
Re-uploaded with pages sorted
Thank you so so much for your prompt action, it is very much appreciated.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for your wonderful website, which brings me enourmous amount of joy.
Most grateful,
thank you to whoever posted the “american afghan” booklets – very much appreciated!
Good evening!
I wanted to know if I can add a description of the models that are sought in the gallery?
If this is possible, how?
Respect, Irina
If the patterns you want to add are online, you can add links as comments to the images in the gallery (when you click the image, a comment window will appear). If the pattern is not online, you can get in touch with us at
Svetlana – don’t know where you are based but this is the most fantastic knitting/crochet site and invaluable! I visit every day and still find something new. Thank you for all your hard work.
I am glad you appreciate. I have been lucky to travel to many countries and to live in several countries. I guess this has helped me to come up with this global undertaking that brings people and patterns from all over the world together.
Dear Sir(s),
I am a premium member, but I can’t log in on my account. No log in space.
You are right, the login form disappeared after some plugins upgrade yesterday. It has been recovered. Sorry for the inconvenience. Another workaround could be to navigate to some page that prompts you to log in.
Thanks very much for the quick reply and the solving of this problem Svetlana.
Hi Svetlana,
Why can’t I download or just see the pictures in a magazine? It doesn’t matter which one I am trying to look at. The program says all the time: “Error 404 – Page Not Found.
It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for.
This might be because:
You have typed the web address incorrectly, or the page you were looking for may have been moved, updated or deleted.
Please try the following options instead:
Check for a mis-typed URL error, then press the refresh button on your browser or Use the search box below.
I am a premium member, so I don’t understand it. Do you have problems in the moment?
Best Regards
Sorry, the problem is fixed now. Today someone borrowed my laptop and after that some important pages in the blog were deleted. I am terribly sorry!
Pls pls send me my reset password urgently … So i can join u pls… I’m waiting since 3 days . But couldn’t got it .. I want to see your whole of the wonderful web page……………
Sorry, I notice that some email providers block emails from the server that hosts Knits4Kids. There is nothing I can do about it. Just contact us directly for such matters and you will receive an answer within the same day.
First of all, thanks for the patterns!
I do have a little problem with the site though: when for some reason I was logged out and then click on a link in the mail, I go to the correct page with the patterns I want but there is no possibility on that page to log in and then I have to go look for somewhere to log in and afterwards have to go look for the patterns again. Should be easy to create something for that I think.
Hope you can fix it in some way.
It would be helpful to know which pages require logging on and have no form to do it. Normally, if a page requires authentication, the login form is displayed right in the main area, instead of the actual content.
When I click on a link to take me to the page of a certain magazine without being logged in, so it’s the same for any magazine. So it’s on the pages where I can see large thumbnails of all the pages in a magazine. When I then find the magazine interesting and want to add it to my treasure throve of course there is only the like button, so I need to log in first to see my treasure throve, only then I have to go to the homepage for example to be able to log in.
Sorry it’s not so easy to explain, english isn’t my first language, I speak dutch :)
Войти не удалось!
Вы ввели неверное имя пользователя или пароль.
и так постоянно………..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
тогда запрашиваю новый пороль ………
вот ответ…
Либо имя пользователя или адрес электронной почты не существует в наших записях.
Указанный пользователь либо адрес эл. почты не обнаружен.
пыталась зарегистрироваться по другому адресу но тоже самое……..
Вас никто не мучает. Вход на сайт срабатывает, если правильно ввести свои данные. Переустановка пароля срабатывает, если правильно укажете имя пользователя и адрес эл. почты. Если Вы не удалили записи Вашей регистрации на сайте, то Вы можете посмотреть имя пользователя и пароль.
Есть запись пользователя tata070707 email: и запись пользователя email:
Восстанавливайте теперь пароль. Удачи!
The series guide (series by topic) is really helpful. Now, it’s easier and enjoyable to search for patterns or books. Everything is classified under it’s category in an easy-to-view page with added images for reference. I’d like to thank user Tatiana (nickname Северянка) for the great job of implementing this idea! Keep up the good work!
Hello!I’m having trouble keeping logged in so if i look at something and click it off,i go back and have to login again. I’ve not trouble using my password but keeping it set.Streusel
Are you opening images from the notification email? Try opening the whole notification (click on the title) in your browser, log in and continue exploring from the website. The problem should disappear.
Thank you for all the wonderful patterns and for all of your hard work maintaing this site. Long live KFK!!
здравствуйте,у вас только вязание крючком и спицами? или другие виды рукаделия есть
Есть много чего другого, макраме, шитье, квилт, бисероплетение, вышивка, пластиковая канва. Просмотрите список всех серий или задавайте интересующий вид рукоделия в окно поиска.
Здравствуйте, Светлана! Уже пару дней у меня не просматриваются книжки и журналы на вашем сайте. Хотелось бы выяснить в чём проблема. Раньше всё очень хорошо работало…С уважением, Елена.
Елена, кроме Вас никто о такой проблеме не заявлял. У меня тоже все просматривается. Мне нужно четкое описание, что Вы имеете ввиду под “не просматриваются”. Может Вы скриншот проблемной страницы скинете на“?
I have some patterns I want to send. Do I email own down load to website? If downloading where do I download to
It is best if you send the patterns by email to and I will check them for doubles and upload to the appropriate categories. Thanks in advance!
Dear madam: if you couldnt scanner this magazine again and with a real posibilite to lectura, to read, itsn´t possibilty to real comprehension of this knit indications. With my afection with your web page! Atenttively, Nugaton from Buenos Aires, Argentina
We receive those scans from other websites and users and cannot re-scan them. In many cases, however, downloading the image and opening it with some image editor where you can zoom in, can be helpful.
When you click on the “download this issue” on the following pages, not all the pictures load:
That is weird, I checked the link and all 31 pages were loaded. There is one pages which is kind of incomplete, but that is the way it is stored at the original album location.
Each time I clicked on to a link I went to a Russian site. Am I doing something wrong?
You mean when you click on a link from one of the galleries in Top Favorites Collection? Normally, if the pattern itself is in Russian or is shared on a Russian site, then you will end up there (90% of our users are Russian speaking). If it is an album within Knits4Kids, you can always switch to English via the language switcher on the right panel. If it is an external site, you can use google translate (if your browser is google chrome, it will even offer you to translate any website into your language) to be able to use it. There are many precious resources shared on non-English websites because in those parts of the world copyright laws are not so restrictive as in the US / UK. This collection is multilingual, just like the users, so that everyone can find something in it.
When looking at the pattern gallery for Afhans, Blankets, Throw, Wraps, Rugs, Play Mats there was an error message saying “Shashin error: Photo not found.” Hope this is helpful. Thanks for access to so many great patterns.
Thanks for pointing to this error. It happens if the photo is no longer available (probably removed due to abuse report). There is no way for me to recover lost images under the old image id, but what I did is to suppress that error message from display.
for the heirloom booties patterns, I want to make the peach ribbon booties but the sole part of the pattern is missing. u show only one page of the book and it says to see pg 3 for the basic sole pattern and u dont have page 3 posted. can u please post the sole pattern for these booties or email it to me at thanks
Oh, that online album was deleted by copyright protecters. It was not my album and it was not downloadable, so I do not have a copy. I posted a request to the description wanted page, I hope someone will reply. Here is the basic sole chart that might be the right one
i can not go in online catalog it said is a sintax error. so i do no know why. thank you , your place is fantastic.margarita