Dress, Capelet and Bolero for a Little Fashion Queen

Source: http://blog.sina.com.cn
Download link:

Written pattern with photos and charts pdf (3MB)
Download charts in higher resolution (right-click on the image and choose “Save image…”)

42 thoughts on “

Dress, Capelet and Bolero for a Little Fashion Queen

  1. Hi Svetlana,You had mentioned that there is an adult version of the pattern above, could you point me in the direction as to where the free pattern is.

  2. j ne Peux Envoyer d argent voiture je suis simple de 8 Enfants et ma situation de materielle eest tres Faible Je vous Remerie de m Avoir accepteur Comme membre sans Québec puisse satisfaire mes enfants De Vos jolies modeles merci quand meme.

    • Dear orchidee, you are most welcome! I had to use google to translate your message. 8 kids??? And you find time to knit or crochet? I admire your courage and capacity and hope that will not need to spend any money on patterns, since you have discovered this site!

  3. j ne peux envoyer d argent car je suis mere de 8 enfants et ma situation materielle eest tres faible je vous remerie de m avoir accepter comme membre sans que puisse satisfaire mes enfants de vos jolies modeles merci quand meme.

  4. Can anyone help with something on this pattern, it calls for a unfinished dc, I tried to search on the internet for this and couldn’t figure out what it was, is it a half dc?  Thanks :)

  5. I have tried every which way to open the PDF and I have never had a problem before so I’m very sad that I cannot open it, it opens but it is a blank page no matter how many times I refresh the page  :(  Svetlana would you by any chance be able to email the PDF just for this pattern to me?   Hugs, rose

  6. what a beautiful set ive not opened it yet as i can see charts lets hoping it has a written pattern too if it doesnt never mind just had to say its a really pretty set you are so clever many thx suz :)

    • The link is definitely valid, I just checked. Maybe your browser is not configured for pdf display? You can right-click on the link and choose “Save the Target as” or “Download linked File” (depending on what Browser you are using).

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